Stone, Types of Stone & their Uses
Stone -:
- Stone is considered as one of the most popular building material due to its availability in abundance, high durability, high strength.
- a hard, compact, naturally occurring substance obtain from the rocks are called Stones.
- Technically, stone are also called as rocks. the rocks occurs in different variety. rocks possess suitable properties often find use as building stones.
Classification of stone -:
1. Geological classification -:
i) Igneous Rocks
ii) sedimentary rocks
iii) Metamorphic rocks
i) Igneous Rocks -:
- Igneous rocks are formed by cooling down of magma
- It can be further classified as -:
a) Plutonic Rocks -:
- these rocks are crystallised below earth surface.
- cool down slowly and form course grained Crystal
- generally dark in colur & cooling down at Considerable depth
b) Hypabasal Rocks -:
- Formed due to cooling down of megma at Shallow depth.
- Formed fine grained structure.
c) Volcanic Rocks -:
- these rocks are crystallised on earth Surface.
- cool down quickly and formed small crystal.
- Generally light in colur.
ii) Sedimentary Rocks -:
- These rocks are formed by deposition due to weathering of pre-existing rocks.
- Sedimentary rocks are further divided into 3 category- :
iii) Metamorphic Rocks -:
- Metamorphic rocks are formed by metamorphic action ( change in pre-existing character of rock due to heat & pressure ) for a long period of time.
- Metamorphic rocks generally found to have layered appearance.
- Granite Gneiss
- Synite Gneiss
- Sandstone Quartzite
- Limestone Marble, Schist
- Marl Marble
- Shale Slate, Schist, Phyllite
- Mudstone. Slate
- Dolomite Marble
- Dolerite, Basalt Schist
- Conglomerate Gneiss, Schist
2. Physical classification -:
- Physical classification is based on the structural appearance of the rocks
- It is further divided into 3 category
i) Stratified Rocks
ii) Unstratified Rocks
iii) Foliated Rocks
i) Stratified Rocks -:
- Stratified Rocks have layered structure along which they can easily split.
- The layers may be thick or thin and of same or different colour & Composition.
- Sedimentary rocks are generally Stratified.
ii) Unstratified Rocks -:
- Unstratified Rocks does not have layered structure.
- Igneous rocks are generally Unstratified rocks.
- it can't be easily split up into layer's.
iii) Foliated Rocks -:
• Foliated rocks have a tendency to split up in a definite direction.
• these rocks are generally belogs to Metamorphic group ,in which layered structure has introduce under lateral pressure.
3. Chemical classification -:
- This classification of rocks is based on the chemical composition of the rocks
- It is also further classified into 3 category -:
i) Argillaceous Rocks
ii) Silicious Rocks
iii) Calcareous Rocks
i) Argillaceous Rocks -:
- The principal component of Argillaceous rocks is Alumina & clay ( Al₂O₃)
- These are soft and brittle.
- These are mostly Sedimentary & Metamorphic.
ii) Silicious Rocks -:
- Main Constituents of Silicious rocks is Silica & Sand.
iii) Calcareous Rocks -:
- Main Components is Lime and Carbonate of Calcium & Magnesium.
- They belongs to Sedimentary and Metamorphic group.
- Carbonates > 50%
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